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You may feel like you are alone in having unwanted hair, but you're really not. Believe it or not, your hair problems are probably typical. There are many reasons people - both men and women - turn to electrolysis as the best way to remove hair. No matter what the specific problem area, age, gender, hair or skin type, hair color or skin color - you have plenty of company and electrolysis can help. Every day, people just like you choose electrolysis as a permanent, safe, and effective solution.
Professionally performed electrolysis safely and permanently eliminates unwanted hair from the breasts and nearby sensitive areas with unsurpassed results. Learn more...
Electrolysis can help address common issues arising from curly, wavy or coarse hair. Ingrown hairs, raised bumps and darker skin areas are common problems for people with these types of hair who use temporary hair removal methods such as tweezing. Learn more...
Dark skin is a challenge for some hair removal methods, but not for electrolysis. If you've heard that your skin tone means that you are not a candidate for hair removal treatments, then you need to speak to an electrolgist. Electrolysis is effective on all skin colors and types of hair. Learn more...
Hormonal changes causing the growth of unwanted excess facial or body hair can be triggered by more than just age or pregnancy. The cause can be related to puberty, menopause, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), an underlying medical condition, your genetic makeup, and even some medications. Learn more...
Your own sense of personal beauty is based on your insight into who you uniquely are. If you are looking for a treatment to permanently remove facial hair and excess body hair, electrolysis is the solution for you. Learn more...
Electrolysis Tip
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Drinking plenty of water helps unwanted hair slide right out.
Did you know?
Gently exfoliating your skin before your treatment opens up the follicles and lets the unwanted hair slide out more easily.
Electrolysis Tip
It's okay to shave between treatments, but never, ever tweeze!
Did you Know?
Electrology is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the FDA.
Electrolysis Tip
Talk to your electrologist about any questions or concerns. We want your experience to be as comfortable and effective as possible.
Electrolysis Tip
Clean skin releases unwanted hair more easily. Remove your makeup before your appointment, so the hair follicles are clean and accessible.
Electrolysis Tip
For a more comfortable treatment, avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment.
Electrolysis Tip
Ask your electrologist for aftercare advice. We can recommend the product that is right for your skin and treatment program.
Did you know?
The hair you see is not all the hair you have. Hair grows in cycles. That's why it takes more than one appointment to permanently clear an area.
Did you know?
If your electrologist can't see the hairs, they can't zap the hairs. Plucking, waxing, threading, or tweezing before your hair removal appointment reduces the number of hairs your electrologist can remove.
For Breasts & Sensitive Areas
For Coarse, Wavy Hair
For Darker Skin
For Hormonal Changes/PCOS
415 SW Twin Oaks Circle
Corvallis, OR 97333
American Electrology Association
Oregon Association of Licensed Electrologists
Licensed Electrologist
Corvallis, OR
Oregons central Willamette Valley, Cascades to the Ocean,
and Surrounding Areas